Hey there, I’m Sterling. Photographer, Social Worker, Therapist, Partner, Friend, and Cat Parent.


Around the start of 2012, I suddenly became interested in photography. I fell in love with all of the logistic and creative aspects of photography. I have been photographing people, events, and special moments since then!

My focus now is being a therapist and photographing the things that I want to; the things that speak to me the most. I photograph whatever embodies mine and others’ emotional experience in a capitalistic, racists, ableist, sexist, agist, queerphobic, western society that is purely focused on profit in replacement of our environment, people, organisms, and resources.

My therapeutic focus is ending suffering for individuals and groups through a comprehensive and informed Dialectical Behavioral Therapy practice through Guilford Counseling, PLLC.


“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”



The divide between being a photographer and a social worker may seem substantial. My work focuses on my personal experiences as well as the experiences I have heard and experienced from so many people. Photographs can speak more than words and especially as someone with neurodivergence, sometimes it’s hard to find the right words and a photograph can speak more than I can.

Welcome to my website and I hope you enjoy your stay here!

Much love,



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